
Diploma of Dental Technology (HLT55118)
Course entry requirements for International Students

All international students applying to enter the Diploma of Dental Technology must:
  • Be over the age of 18
  • Be able to demonstrate good command of written and spoken English
  • Have verified evidence of IELTS Level 5.5 or equivalent
  • Have completed an equivalent secondary schooling level of High School Certificate or can demonstrate suitable work or life experience
  • Meet the following Student Visa (subclass 500) – Vocational Education and Training requirements:
    • Be of good character
    • Are of sound health
    • Have acceptable health insurance through the Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) for yourself and members of your family unit accompanying you to Australia
    • Have no outstanding debts to the Commonwealth of Australia
    • Demonstrate the capacity to meet basic living costs requirements set by the Australian Government
International English Language Testing System (IELTS)
IELTS is the world’s most recognised English language testing system. Students applying for a student visa will need to provide evidence that they meet the English language requirements set by the Australian Government and education provider. CIT course entry requirement is a minimum IELTS General Score of 5.5. A general score of 5.5 indicates that the person will have a partial command of the language, coping with overall meaning in most situations, though is likely to make many mistakes. The person should be able to handle basic communication in their own field.

CIT will require you to submit evidence of your IELTS proficiency (General Score of 5.5), or equivalent with your enrolment form. Applications for enrolment that are not accompanied with this evidence will not be accepted. To locate an IELTS testing centre in your area, please visit the IELTS website for further information:

IELTS Testing Centre online search

or 12 Weeks EAP course (equivalent to Australian High School completion at HSC level)

Enrolment Procedure
CIT undertakes to make training available to all persons who:
  • Complete the CIT enrolment form
  • Agree to abide by CIT’s expectation of students; and
  • Make suitable payment of fees before the commencement of training
The Enrolment form should be completed in full along with all other required documents and submitted by mail, fax or email with payment to:

The Registrar
Charles Institute of Technology Australia
PO Box 5212
West Chatswood NSW 1515, AUSTRALIA
Fax: 61 2 9412 3555

The application for enrolment must be accompanied by:
  • evidence of IELTS proficiency (General Score of 5.5) or equivalent
  • evidence of a High School Certificate or equivalent secondary schooling outcome
When we receive your application our Registrar will review it for completeness.

If you are already in Australia and have not yet been assessed for English language proficiency, you should locate a testing centre.

IELTS Testing Centre online search

Verification of IELTS and Education Level
CIT reserves the right to validate the IELTS proficiency assessment and the submitted evidence of High School Certificate equivalence. Verification will be undertaken by:
  • IELTS proficiency – CIT will utilise the IELTS to assess the validity of all evidence submitted of IELTS proficiency.
  • High School Certificate equivalence – Where evidence submitted by an applicant does not clearly demonstrate the equivalence to the NSW High School Certificate, the applicant will be required to obtain a Certificate of Equivalent Qualification from the NSW Board of Studies.
Electronic Confirmation of Enrolment
Upon approval of your application, an electronic confirmation of enrolment (eCoE) will be generated and forwarded to Department of Home Affairs and yourself at the address provided on your application with an official receipt for the fees paid. It is the applicant’s responsibility to apply for a student visa. If your application is not complete, our Registrar will contact you.

When you receive your eCoE, it should be taken to the visa section of your nearest Australian Diplomatic Mission (i.e. Consulate, High Commission or Embassy) where you can make an application for a student visa. You will be unable to apply for a student visa without a eCoE.

Successful Student Visa
If your student visa application is approved, you should contact CIT and provide evidence of approval. The Head Teacher will contact you to confirm your timetable, start date and all other arrangements for your study with CIT.

Unsuccessful Student Visa
If your student visa application is NOT approved, you must contact CIT and advise the Head Teacher and apply, in writing for a refund of student fees in accordance with our Fee Refund Policy.

Enrolment Induction
All students will have an induction on their first day at CIT. Information will be given to allow your stay to be as fruitful and successful as possible. Most of your questions will be answered at induction, however always feel free to ask about anything you are unsure about.

All students are required to complete a declaration of understanding. This will happen as part of your induction. This declaration is a statement that:
  • You have understood and accept student requirements while at the institute.
  • You understand and accept all the details provided in this handbook
  • You have been offered the opportunity to request learning support.